The formation of the information society, the economy is continuing research on problems 2015-07-14 09:27:42 / CONFERENCES

No. 8 Institute of Information Technology Department, economics PhD, associate professor of the department headed Alovsat Aliyev has submitted its report for the first half of 2015.


Report provides information on the activities of scientific innovation, as well as the President of the Science Development Fund (SDF), "The analysis of the formation and development of recommendations for the development of innovative information economy" and noted that the implementation of the work on the project. He added that "the analysis of the processes of formation of industrial parks, and the development of cost-effective solutions to the problems of organization and management of the activities" of the grant project was submitted to the SDF.


Aliyev spoke about the scientific problems of scientific and organizational activities of the workshop held on 6 sobədaxili said.


He Tashkent State Technical University, Turkey's Yildiz industrial park, Belarus National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Hi-Tech Park, and strengthened scientific cooperation with the Institute of Economics said.


4 articles published in renowned scientific journals and international conferences, noting the head of the department, as well as scientific and educational activities, national and international scientific-practical conferences, various books and electronic publications, promotion of scientific and practical results in the media, etc. . spoke about the work done.


The department's report was adopted, a number of suggestions and recommendations were made.

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