AzScienceCERT (CERT – Computer Emergency Response/Readiness Team) service is the incident response group for information privacy in the AzScienceNet scientific computer network of ANAS. The key goal of AzScienceCERT is to provide management of information privacy risks in the certain standard.

With this aim AzScienceCERT assists to AzScienceNet users in detection of actions aimed at violations of information security, on prevention and inform of users. AzScienceCERT service carries out spread of malicious programs, collection, storage and analyze of the statistical data related to network attacks. In order to distribute experience gained at the institute in this field and to ensure productive feedback among users  web-site switched on. Besides Azerbaijani language, site also releases in English.

AzScienceCERT site informs about AzScienceCERT staff, common information about AzScienceNet corporate network, aims and principles of staff’s activity, data about information privacy events which are accepted as an incident and about their processing. AzScienceCERT staff can be informed by filling form about incident located in the site and sending it to address. Incoming information about the incident is examined by staff members, class is determined and appropriate measures are taken in accordance with the procedures. AzScienceCERT mutually cooperates with related groups that operate in Azerbaijan, governmental executive bodies of Republic of Azerbaijan, groups of foreign countries busy with processing of incident of the information privacy, as well as other organizations operated in the filed of information privacy for implementation of upcoming tasks.

It is known that, CERT centers and national and international networks linking these centers are operated in the leading countries, view exchange is held and formed knowledge bases. Taking into account the enhance of cyber attacks, threats, information warfare manifestations as a real danger, the existence of concrete facts causing discords in the Azerbaijan internet segment, and in order to implement the adequate feedback action system of the country, state’s representation in the international organizations had turned into important issue.


Because, AzScienceCERT staff had been registered by European CERT Trusted Indroducer (TI) service in 2010. TI service operates within the frame of Trans-European Research and Education Network Association (TERENA). The key goal of it is to create trust infrastructure among CERT centers of European countries.

TI includes new subjects in the trust network, and serves as a reliable third side. TI engaged in registration, accreditation and certification issues of CERT service.

TI serves a number of services to the accredited CERT: access to special information materials and warning system, use from the special database and registration of incident objects in this base, attendance at the events intended for only members, encryption for the processing of incidents during the exchange of information, e-signature infrastructure etc. In the environment of the global information infrastructure, international collaboration is of particular importance for incident information privacy prevention and response.

From this viewpoint, integration to TI and related international infrastructures opens great opportunities to AzScienceCERT staff for effective cooperation with colleagues from different countries of the world. Having goals as provide CERT services to users, integration to international infrastructures in this field, AzScienceCERT‘s new target is the accreditation.

AzScienceCERT staff was sent package by TI agency for accreditation. Accreditation procedure puts forward a number of requires for quality of services provided by the staff. Carrying out the imposed demands AzScienceCERT staff had been registered and accredited in the Trustel Introducer system assigned toTERENA (Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association) organization on May 31, 2011.

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