For all the science and research organizations connected to AzScienceNet servers, hosting service is free of charge.
Hosting service corresponds to the location of programs working on web page, web-sites, web-portals and other web servers.
AzScienceNet Data Center with servers working in 24x7 mode, high-speed and polycyclic, intelligent telecommunication equipment as well as high access speed to global Internet network provides a high level of hosting service.
In order to locate web page in the AzScienceNet Data Center, should be solicited for ANAS Institute of Information Technologies on behalf of institutes and organizations of ANAS with official letter. Appeal is discussed and decision is taken in the Management Board of AzScienceNet. As a result of positive decision, special working staff (programmers, security and network administrators) assists to download program code of the page to the remote server and to launch. Hosting services are free of charge for institutes and organizations of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
Security issues in all servers of AzScienceNet are under strict inspection. All proceedings are registered on the special journals. New versions of all software that used at least 2 times a month are downloaded to servers and the recommendations issued by international security companies are referenced.
In advance, each software code downloaded to Hosting server is pre-tested in terms of security, and then is allowed to connect the global Internet network.