Eduroam (education roaming) service has been created in the AzScienceNet. During official trip, Eduroam service enables employees of ANAS institute and organizations to connect global internet via using internal infrastructure of scientific and educational institutions of the foreign countries which are connected to eduroam service. At the same time, eduroam provides connect to global Internet without any additional configuration using all access points. Azerbaijan National Eduroam Server was accommodated in the AzSciencenet network, carrying out function of National Operator, and registered in the European Eduroam Confederation on November 11, 2011. Eduroam enables AzScienceNet users’ connection to global internet network from around the world. For application of Eduroam service in Republic of Azerbaijan, join the country to the world eduroam network as well as for recognize, following measures had been taken:
Eduroam serves to employees of ANAS institutes and organizations. For creation of Eduroam service in the networks of the scientific and educational institutions of AR and for joint to the world eduroam network, following measures should be carried out:
Figure.1. Eduroam operation principle