Dissertation Council was held at the Institute of Information Technology 2015-06-30 11:00:16 / CONFERENCES

The Dissertation Council was held at the Institute of Information Technology.


The event was opened by the Chairman of the Council, National Academy of Sciences, academician-secretary of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev gave information about the agenda of the meeting 3338.01 - "System analysis, control and information processing" for the degree of PhD in 2 thesis was devoted to defense.


First, the scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council, PhD Ramiz introduced the council members Shikhaliyev plaintiff in the case.


Then Lyudmila Suxostat "according to a person's voice biometric authentication system of algorithms and methods for the synthesis of" the urgency of the case by presenting his thesis on, aim, and said that to reach the goal set of issues.


He said that the aim of the thesis was the voice biometric authentication systems for the synthesis of the channel changes and təhriflərinə resistant, have high recognition to the development of methods and algorithms.


The study examined the current state of a person's vote, saying that the recognition of the problems of biometric identification to vote in person LSuxostat existing methods and algorithms have been studied, according to the voice recognition worked out methods for the removal of the signs of the speech signal, he said.


Speaking about the importance of scientific and practical study of the biometric speaker recognition systems developed for the synthesis methods and algorithms created a prototype of this system is applied in many fields, he added.


Noting that scientific innovation LSuxostat speech thesis for the removal of the signs of the spectral signals from the empirical evidence Wavelet transform algorithm worked out by the sound of the tone of the proposed method to calculate the period, he said.


Later, the candidate answered questions from scientists and specialists.


Speaking of the thesis supervisor of information security of Remembrance Imamverdiyev the most complex and pressing issues of modern information society and the thesis has been carried out for this purpose.


Thesis and a synopsis of comments received concerning RSıxəliyev briefed.


Dissertation official opponents - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Famil Mammadov, PhD, Associate Professor Nizami Jafarov noted that the findings of scientific innovation, noted the importance of research, suggestions and comments were reported.


Taking part in discussions on technique, doctors, professors, Mohamed Ahmed, Vidadi Musayev, Javanshir Mammadov, Nadir Agayev, doctor of technical sciences, Ramiz Aliguliyev, PhD thesis promoting the urgency of Ali Eroglu and others praised the results.


After listening to the final words of the applicant PhD LSuxostata secret ballot was held and to give scientific degree to apply to the Supreme Attestation Commission under President of the Republic was offered.

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