On November 7, 2024, a Republican scientific-practical conference on "Green and digital transformations: mutual effects, positive and negative aspects" was held together with the Institute of Information Technology, Azerbaijan Technical University, National Aerospace Agency of Institute of Ecology and Institute of Radiation Problems.
At the opening ceremony of the conference, Vice President of ANAS, General Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev, Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University, Professor Vilayat Valiyev, General Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Misir Mardanov, Head of the National Aerospace Agency director, professor Natig Javadov, general director of the Institute of Radiation Problems, corresponding member of ANAS, professor Islam Mustafayev and director of the the National Aerospace Agency of Institute of Ecology, professor Bahram Aliyev participated.
Then the conference continued its work with the sessions entitled "Digital technologies in the formation of a green society" and "Scientific and practical problems of the transition to a green economy".
In the sessions held in the context of the challenges of COP29, reports on green and digital technologies in the formation of green economy transformations, their effects and negative-positive aspects in solving the problems of transition to a green economy and climate change, including artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 3D printing technologies, environmental problems and ICT, radiation safety and green society, green energy and smart technologies, etc. were listened to and extensive discussions were held.