Senior researcher of the institute took part in international event 2024-05-06 12:06:00 / CONFERENCES

Senior researcher of the Institute of Information Technology, PhD, Associate Professor Fargana Abdullayeva attended the "Security Days" which took place in Prague from April 9-11, 2024.  The event was organized by pan-European research network GEANT.

The visit took place within the framework of the Azerbaijan Science Foundation's grant project "Development of artificial intelligence methods for personal data protection in social cyber-physical systems". During the meeting, F. Abdullayeva spoke about the issues envisaged within the grant project and the completed works.

During the event, the reporter talked about how the development of a conceptual model of the personal data segment of social cyber-physical systems, conduction of cyber threats aimed at the confidentiality of personal data collected in social cyber-physical systems and conducting their analysis, the development of a method of protecting personal data collected in social cyber-physical regulation systems of urban transport from cyber-attacks, the development of a method of combating threats targeting the security of personal data through phishing sites, the development of a machine learning method for detecting disinformation activities on social media can give positive results, and it is necessary to conduct joint research in this field.

Extensive discussions were held around the report. Discussions were mainly about mechanisms for protecting social cyber-physical systems from cyber attacks, ways to protect personal data collected in this environment, protection against phishing attacks, and methods of disinformation detection.

Then the results obtained within the framework of the project were discussed, opinions and suggestions were voiced. At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their interest in joint scientific cooperation and noted the importance of conducting joint research and developing projects in the future. The methods and algorithms obtained as a result of joint research to be conducted in the future will allow effective protection of personal data collected in social cyber-physical systems.

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