Chief specialist of the institute participated in the international meeting of GÉANT 2024-03-18 12:00:00 / CONFERENCES

Konul Aliyeva, chief specialist of AzScienceNet Network Operation Center, participated in the Sig-Marcomms meeting (Special Interest Group on Marketing and Communication) on March 5-6, 2024.

The meeting took place in Ljubljana hosted by ARNES the Slovenian Research and Education Network.  The event gathered 27 representatives from the European NREN community including EaPConnect marcomms team.

The programme offered participants the opportunity to zoom in on the use of podcasts to help promote NRENs’ services, learn about service marketing, focus on the GÉANT Community Programme and listen to a variety of NRENs updates both in person and on-line.

The second day of the meeting started with an interactive sessions on service marketing and plans to optimise engagement in the GÉANT Community Programme.

The Summer Sig-Marcomms meeting will be held alongside TNC24 in Rennes, France on Monday 10 June.

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