The results of the “5th international conference on E-infrastructures within the Eastern Partnership” discussed 2022-10-26 12:00:00 / CONFERENCES

The results of “The 5th Eastern Partnership E-infrastructures Conference – “EaPEC 2022” were reported at the online meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Information Technology.

The head of the Institute's AzScienceNet Network Management Center, PhD in technical sciences Babek Nabiyev delivered a report on the results of the said conference. He said that the “EaPEC 2022" conference, held in Baku on September 28-29, 2022, was implemented under the initiative and coordination of the GEANT Association, “EU4Digital” ("EaPConnect 2" Connecting Research and Education Communities in the Eastern Partnership) covering the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries) is the 5th event carried out within the project.

Nabiyev noted that numerous meetings were held in preparation for the conference, and in these meetings, extensive discussions were held about the speeches to be made in the plenary and section sessions of the event.

The speaker brought to attention the information about the conference's opening ceremony, plenary and section meetings, as well as topics discussed at the closing ceremony, moderators and speakers. Vice-president of ANAS, general director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev and CEO of GEANT Eric Huizer said that they spoke on local television channels in connection with the “EaPEC 2022” conference.

Then the vice-president of ANAS, general director of the Institute, academician Rasim Alguliyev made a speech and said that this prestigious conference serves to expand the cooperation relations between the countries of the Eastern Partnership and to accelerate the integration of these states into the European community. According to the scientist, the reports presented at the conference provided detailed information on the results of significant research conducted in partner countries, in which the importance of artificial intelligence, the IV Industrial Revolution and high technologies that meet global challenges, cloud technologies, and mobility were demonstrated.

Academician R. Alguliyev spoke about the policy pursued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the direction of development of science and education, training of highly qualified personnel. He said that the development path of Azerbaijan in recent years, recognition as an influential state in the region and at the international level is directly related to the name of the head of the country. He noted that it is the result of the successful policy implemented in the relevant fields that it has become traditional to hold international scientific events organized by the world's prestigious institutions in Azerbaijan.

The scientist noted that the holding of such a prestigious event in our country is an indicator of confidence in the state of Azerbaijan, its policy, as well as ANAS. He emphasized that the international cooperation formed by the institute led by the “5th international conference on E-infrastructures within the framework of the Eastern Partnership” over many years, the research conducted in priority areas that meet the requirements of world science, as well as the existing relations with the GEANT Association, are the logical result.

The general director of the Institute pointed out that the event played an important role in terms of establishing new scientific relations, presenting the research conducted in Azerbaijan to the world, developing international cooperation and implementing joint projects with foreign colleagues. He expressed his confidence that the valuable ideas put forward as a result of effective discussions at the conference will contribute to the solution of existing problems in the relevant field, and the basis of new scientific projects will be laid.

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