"Smart Agriculture" projects promise high productivity in the liberated territories 2021-06-24 18:00:00 / INTERESTING INFORMATION

After the Second Karabakh War, which ended with victory, a lot of work has been started to implement urban planning on our lands liberated from occupation. President Ilham Aliyev has laid the foundation of the "smart village" project in the Agali village of Zangilan region and construction work is underway. One of the main components of the pilot project "smart village", which will be implemented in the first stage on 5 components, covering the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Agali villages of Zangilan, is "smart agriculture". "Smart agriculture" is a new concept that uses modern information and communication technologies to increase the quantity and quality of products while optimizing the human labor required for production.

Senior researcher of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD in Technical sciences Mammad Hashimov told AZERTAC. He noted that the basis of "smart agriculture", which is considered the third "green revolution" after the revolutions in plant breeding and genetics, is the Internet of Things, cloud technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, drone technology and more elements of modern technology. Sensors installed at all critical points of farm areas monitor soil conditions, weather, etc. collects and transmits information about. The collected data is analyzed by the system and conclusions are drawn about the condition of the monitored object or process. Potential problems are identified. Based on the problems identified in the previous steps, the software platform or the person running the platform or the work to be done with the help of artificial intelligence technologies are decided. Farmers "armed" with such tools can monitor field conditions using tablets and smartphones without going to the field and make strategic decisions for the whole farm or one plant. "Smart farming" provides high accuracy and control, as well as water, energy, time spent by people, fertilizers, etc. leads to savings.

In the field of agriculture, as well as in the field of animal husbandry, you can take advantage of "smart agriculture". Large farm owners use "smart" devices to monitor the location, welfare and health of livestock. Based on the data collected, they can identify sick animals, which helps to immediately separate the sick animal from the herd to prevent the spread of the disease.

Implementation of the concept of "Smart Agriculture" on the basis of technological innovations in the liberated areas will eliminate the structural weaknesses of existing farming systems, increase productivity, optimize costs, achieve competitive and sustainable results. This will make a great contribution to the development of food security in our country in the future.

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