"Smart villages" will be provided with alternative energy sources 2021-06-12 18:00:00 / INTERESTING INFORMATION

One of the main goals of the energy security policy pursued under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev is to strengthen the use of renewable energy sources in our country. Work has begun in the liberated territories. Thus, one of the main components of the "smart village" pilot project covering the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Agali villages of Zangilan is alternative energy. According to the project, all residential houses, social facilities, administrative and public catering buildings, processing and production of agricultural products will be provided with alternative energy sources.

The statement came from Orkhan Mehdiyev, an employee of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

An employee of the institute said that given the tourism potential of the liberated territories, the use of solar, wind and hydropower plants installed in small rivers will be beneficial in the production of electricity to maintain the ecological balance of Karabakh. In the climatic conditions of Azerbaijan, the efficiency of solar and wind power plants will be high. At the same time, these stations are located locally, close to consumers, so the supply of electricity to them can be done in very easy ways.

In general, in recent years, in many cities around the world, energy-saving and environmentally safe lighting is preferred in the streets, parks, offices and organizations, residential and surrounding areas. The use of incandescent, mercury-based fluorescent lamps and other artificial light sources is prohibited. Widespread application of these prohibitions serves the purpose of reducing energy costs, efficient use of resources and the application of efficient technologies. Today, it is possible to save up to 80 percent of electricity consumption by investing little in the use of LED lamps in lighting. This experience can also be used in "smart cities" and "smart villages" to be built in our liberated territories.

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