NASA scientists will be monitoring the situation of enterprises and organizations in e-science 2015-03-06 12:34:56 / CONFERENCES

Scientific institutions and organizations of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences signed a decree on the monitoring of e-science.


President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 02 April 2014 "approved by the Information Society Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan National Strategy for 2014-2020", as well as all other areas, the research has important tasks in the face. This is one of the "Electronic Azerbaijan" As an integral part of the formation of e-science. Recently, as one of the most important directions of the reforms carried out in e-science is the scientific study of the theoretical foundations, the AzScienceNet its network platform developed computer network infrastructure, NASA covered by this network of scientific institutions and organizations, the use of the services successful integration into the international scientific environment and continue to work.


NASA's scientific institutions and organizations in the provision of ICT to analyze the situation, assess, detect differences in the digital, to determine priorities for the next round of e-science, as well as the results of the 2014 National Academy of Sciences on the results of the general meeting in order to present This decision has been made about the conduct of monitoring carried out in the country will be a great support to building the Information Society.


Preparation of the report based on the results of the monitoring of the organization and assigned to the Institute of Information Technology. form of monitoring sites at

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