"Plagiat.pl" was a representative of the Institute of Information Technology 2014-12-17 09:19:09 / CONFERENCES

The Polish Institute of Information Technology "Plagiat.pl" Executive Director, PhD held a meeting with Sebastian Kavcinski.


During the meeting, the chief engineer of the institute, PhD Rashid Alekperov, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev, Remembrance Imamverdiyev PhD, head of the department took part in Tahmasib Fataliyev and other employees of the institute.


SKavcinski presentation on the activities of the company said that the company started its operations in Poland in this country, almost all of the established cooperation with universities. According to him, the main purpose of copyright infringement and unauthorized use of intellectual property and the fight: "We have to protect the work of academics and research students, who are creating a worldwide network of Antiplagiatlıq. To this end, universities, government agencies and publishing houses are working with. We also help them to protect intellectual property, plagiarism ".


The reporter noted that the powerful tools such as Internet browsers, equipped with students, finding texts on any subject they "own" is used in the research. It began operations in June 2002, the company's "Strikeplagiarism" of researchers engaged in scientific texts "stolen" to provide you with tools that allow you to detect fragments highlighted.


He said that in January 2015, the Azerbaijani and Russian interface of the program in February, will be developed in the Turkish language.


That this system is applied to a wide range of education and training institutions in Romania's experience in this field SKavcinski said. According to him, Romania, more than 20 doctoral theses defended the authenticity of university services using the system can be easily determined.


Then the reporter informed about the advantages of working principle of the system.


In the end, answered numerous questions, ideas and suggestions were performed.

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