Continuing studies on the formation of an information economy 2014-11-28 17:54:19 / CONFERENCES

On November 25 meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Information Technology Department of the Institute, No. 8, 2014, the report was discussed.


Delivered the report to the Branch Manager, economics PhD, associate professor in the department of Əlövsət the current research, scientific innovation, scientific and educational activities, and so on. briefed. He noted that the research activity related to the formation and development of the economy of the information within a comparative analysis of existing approaches, systematized, a new structure has been proposed for the study of information economy.


A. Current status of the formation of a regional information and knowledge economy, developing trends and analysis of the problems associated with the United States, Israel, Japan, South Korea, China, India and others. The experience of countries have been reviewed. According to him, the various indicators to assess the level of economic development of information systems analyzed and the main methodological approaches have been considered in their development. The requirements for establishing a system of indicators and milestones, as well as a system of indicators based on the analysis of shortcomings of the initial composition of the newly established system of indicators.


Models of economic growth in the ICT sector investment in the reporting year through A. optimal management process that modelləsdirildiyini that the investment in each sector of the economy qiymətləndirilimisdir effect on economic growth.


Reporting on the activities of scientific and innovative environment of innovation and innovation processes and their general classification was examined for signs of the various operating areas highlighted were being worked out. He noted that the concept of electronic innovation, some studies have been performed in connection with new content and composition, classification and characteristics of a given stage of the innovation process and the factors that influence the innovative processes were investigated.


A. During the reporting year, an Internet-region analyzed the current situation and problems of its formation had been well researched. He noted that the use of ICT and ICT development in the regional context of the geographical features of information systems, information resources, the demand for Internet services and their payment process to determine the directions on the application of methods have been proposed.


In the end, the discussions held on the institute's chief engineer, PhD Rashid Alekperov, doctor of technical sciences, professor and PhD Remembrance Imamverdiyev Masuma Mamedov expressed opinions and suggestions. The report was satisfactory academic council.

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