Developed "Automated summarization assessment algorithm for identifying summarizing strategies" 2016-02-15 12:43:36 / CONFERENCES

As we know, scientists and specialists of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS constantly conduct research with scientists from the most prestigious institutions and organizations in the world.


Recently, the article "Automated summarization assessment algorithm for identifying summarizing strategies" by scientists Asad Abdi, Norisma Idrisfrom the University of Malaya, Malaysia and ANAS Academician-Secretary, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev and Dr. Engineering Ramiz Aliguliyev was published in the "PLOS ONE" (with impact factor 3.234) journal.


This paper aims to propose an algorithm based on the combination of semantic relations between words and their syntactic composition to identify summarizing strategies employed by students in summary writing. An innovative aspect of our algorithm lies in its ability to identify summarizing strategies at the syntactic and semantic levels. The efficiency of the algorithm is measured in terms of Precision, Recall and F-measure. We then implemented the algorithm for the automated summarization assessment system that can be used to identify the summarizing strategies used by students in summary writing.


Paper was published on the "Soft Computing" and "Information Processing & Management" journal.


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