Research is being conducted on the General Data Protection Regulation 2024-08-01 12:02:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

A presentation on "Analysis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" was delivered by Babak Nabiyev, head of AzScienceNet Network Operation Center at a scientific seminar of IIT. His presentation provided a comprehensive overview of GDPR, covering its formation, causes, scope, principles, challenges, and impact, particularly in the realm of scientific research.

He noted that the GDPR was established in 2016 and came into force in 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation is related to all organizations handling the personal data of EU residents, as well as,affects non-EU businesses that offer goods or services to EU residents and monitor their behavior. GDPR sets standards for the collection and use of personal data within the EU, aiming to empower individuals with control over their data, enhance data protection, and harmonize data privacy laws across Europe.

He explained that the primary causes of GDPR's introduction are the rise in cyber threats and frequent leaks of personal data by private companies, as well as the misuse and a lack of transparency in the data gathering, storage, and usage. He highlighted key principles of GDPR such as legality, transparency, data minimization, accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality.

The head of the center also  elaborated on GDPR’s significant influence on scientific research. He mentioned that the regulation has an impact on how research data is gathered, stored, and shared. Any research using personal data ought to take ethical scrutiny and permission into account. Key concepts in this field include upholding participant rights, promoting data sharing between research institutions, guaranteeing GDPR compliance, and putting robust data security measures in place for research initiatives.

Regarding the GDPR's prospects in Azerbaijan, he outlined several key tasks that lie ahead. These include reconstructing the country's current overview of data protection laws and regulations, studying GDPR's guiding principles, developing a strategic implementation road map, involving interested parties, and facilitating integration into the European environment.

He also lso highlighted the challenges posed by the GDPR, stating that "continuous efforts should be made to improve it, and potential changes and updates should be made to the program to respond to new challenges and technologies, data protection principles developed by artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and other new technologies should be applied." Additionally, innovations in data protection and privacy strategies ought to be accomplished."

In the end, the academician Rasim Alguliyev, vice-president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and general director of the Institute of Information Technology, delivered a speech. He shared his suggestions and recommendations for deepening and realising research on the GDPR and emphasized the importance of preparing research articles on this topic.

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