Vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev, corresponding member of ANAS, head of the department of the institute, doctor of sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev and head of the department, PhD in technics, associate professor Farhad Yusifov co-authored “COVID-19 pandemic an article entitled "Graph modeling for tracking the COVID-19 pandemic spread" was published in the journal Infectious Disease Modeling. The journal is indexed in the “Web of Science” and “Scopus” databases and is classified as Q1.
The article notes that modeling is widely used to identify the best strategies to reduce the impact of infectious diseases. Currently, the modeling of a complex system, such as the spread of COVID-19 infection, is actual issue. The aim of the study was to graphically model the prevalence of COVID-19 infection. The article analyzes the main features of the disease and the factors influencing its spread. Taking into account the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 infection in the experimental study, a graphical model of the process of human-to-human transmission of the virus was constructed and visualized from the moment of the first case of infection in the scenario of the virus.